Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Assault on Logic

Even though this article over at Town Hall seems less insane than most - they did manage to go the whole length of the article without typing "libs" even once and the "dems" count is surprisingly low - they eventually veer into the land of FUD just like the rest of these sites.

On countering the "plans" of the Democrats:

"So far, our only response to the Democratic promises on Peace, Health Care and the Environment is that liberal solutions don’t work and tend to make situations worse than before."

This is true and it's ironic because this sort of nonsense wouldn't cut it in Corporate America. Even the most incompetent middle manager knows to cut you off indefinitely if you come to the table with problems and don't offer potential solutions.

So maybe these guys aren't so bad. Right? Easy tiger, keep reading.

"In a sense, the two natural issues for Republicans – fighting terrorism and protecting economic growth – have been taken off the table by the remarkably successful administration of George W. Bush (regardless of his low approval ratings). The President has done such an outstanding job of keeping the nation safe from major attack, and keeping the economy chugging reliably forward, that most Americans take this success for granted."

OMG. I didn't read that right did I? Ok, ok. This is too good. Let's break it down point by point.

"the two natural issues for Republicans – fighting terrorism and protecting economic growth"

Mmmmmm. That's good FUD. This is ridiculous as it assumes the rest of us dream of being blown up as we live in cardboard boxes eating government subsidized Ramen noodles. It's laughable to assume that difference of opinion is equal to disinterest. Also, I believe the two natural issues you meant to cite are twisting capitalism into a pale imitation of its former self and making puppies cry.

"remarkably successful administration of George W. Bush (regardless of his low approval ratings)"

Sorry. I fell off my chair for a moment. No comment.

"President has done such an outstanding job of keeping the nation safe from major attack, and keeping the economy chugging reliably forward"

There was a bear attack near my home in Tennessee a few years ago. After the bear attack I put a scarecrow in the front yard. There have not been any bear attacks since I put up the scarecrow. Therefore it's safe for me to assume the scarecrow alone has done an outstanding job of keeping me safe from bears.

As an aside the same scarecrow may or may not defend against robots, but that is difficult to determine. I'm selling them for $1 million each. Any takers? Special discounts for no bid contracts (wink wink). They can be personalized for an extra $19.99.

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